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Grand Theft Auto V

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Faut pas jouer avec GTA, un poisson d'avril sur ça risque de leur être assez préjudiciable.

Je garde quand même espoir d'avoir des infos.

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Cadeau. Ne lisez pas si vous détestez les spoilers.

1. The protagonist will be one character, and one character alone. His name is (as some rumours said) Albert De Silva. He's a half hispanic man who was once part of a crime family in Vice City. He decided to settle down and have kids in Los Santos. He has one son called Kevin De Silva who is your stereotypical CoD player. He's lazy, useless and shouts racial abuse online and is really into FPS games. Kevin does admire his Dad though.

2. Multiplayer will hold 32 people on the Xbox and PS3. I wasn't told how many were able to be on the PC. Just like in RDR, players will be able to form Gangs. These gangs are not ranked through XP anymore, but via Reputation. Instead of gang hideouts, you can do jobs that range from robbing a launderette to breaking into a military base and stealing state-of-the-art weaponary. The Gang leader has much more control over his or her gang by being able to rank members of their gang and setting more specific objectives to specific members of their gang. Gangs can have their own terratory but this only applies to areas inside the city of Los Santos.

3. The map is about 5x as large as the GTA IV map and the City of Los Santos takes up just under half of this area (so it's a bit bigger than 2 GTA IV Liberty Cities).

The map is (like most GTAs) seperated into three different sections. 4. Planes are flyable, they range from World War 2 fighter planes to Private Jets.

5. Cars and guns are customisable to an extent, for example, you can cusomise a gun to have a supressor on it and you can install nitrous into cars.

Here's some stuff you might like:

1. The protagonist is the "rich guy" from the GTA V debut trailer. You get to learn more about this man in the second when he talks about his troubles. You only see the protagonist twice in the trailer. First time is the side of his face and second time is when he is driving a Deceptor (Audi R8). The people robbing the jewellery store are just with the protagonist. He is driving the van ready to get away.

2. Gunfights are more realistic. When you are shooting a gun out of a window of a car, depending on how fast it's going you will have troubles aiming due to shaking cameras.

3. The game is due in May 2013. A more specific date has not been decided because the game is still needing 6 months to be fully developed. They will have a playable demo at E3.

4. Police chases are now way more than either running or driving. Depending on how wanted you are, police may bring out riot shields and flash bangs. 5. When someone reaches 4 star wanted level, there will be a radio warning on some stations.

6. Radio stations now do traffic reports that are actually correct. So if you don't know what route to take, you can check the traffic reports on your phone or the radio. 7. The in-game TV now has many more channels

8. The protagonist DOES NOT die unlike in the last two Rockstar games.

9. The underworld actually has a working economy that you can contribute too by buying and selling drugs, weapons and illegal cars in single player.

10. The protagonist can take drugs which will have some effects. But smoking weed on the streetwalk will lead to getting a one star wanted level.

11. Police cars will go after you if you're obviousely breaking the speed limit. Having high speed crashes will also damage your health.

Wanted levels:

1 star - police follow you on foot and try to make an arrest. No sirens, no car chases (unless you are speeding).

2 star - police will still attempt to make an arrest. If a weapon is drawn then the police will begin opening fire. Police will use stun guns if a weapon is not drawn.

3 star - Chases begin and the police don't care how they stop you, they just want to do it.

4 star - road traps, radio stations and much more hostile police.Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 24 in-game hours for someone matching your description.

5 star - shoot to kill, arrest only if it's made very possible. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 48 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Few missions become unavailable if you are wanted.

6 star - military vehicles come after you. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 72 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Some missions become unavailable if you are wanted.

Modifié par TheGreatErikku
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Confirmé fake, nice try.

Mais pas à 100%. J'ai quelques bons amis chez Rockstar qui, sans nier totalement, m'ont dit qu'il y a une enquête interne présentement vu que certaines informations sont véridiques et tentent de trouver de qui ça sort (puisque l'histoire du départ (l'histoire du gars mis dehors) est fausse).

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Mais pas à 100%. J'ai quelques bons amis chez Rockstar qui, sans nier totalement, m'ont dit qu'il y a une enquête interne présentement vu que certaines informations sont véridiques et tentent de trouver de qui ça sort (puisque l'histoire du départ (l'histoire du gars mis dehors) est fausse).

Ah oui?

Certaines infos sont plausibles, mais pas celles du trafic, par exemple. J'espère que le système de police va subir des modifications importantes, je trouve toujours ça trop facile de me sauver. J'aimerais ça voir des trucs inhabituels, par exemple des snipers de la S.W.A.T. si tu es dans un édifice, des chiens, des boucliers, etc.

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  • 5 semaines plus tard...

Si ça peut vous faire mousser en attendant :

Lieux réels de GTA V

Les punaises placées un peu partout sur la carte permettent de voir sur quels quartiers/sections de Los Angeles Rockstar a voulu mettre l'emphase lors du premier trailer, notamment le centre-ville (Downtown), Hollywood, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Venice et Marina del Rey.


Rien de spécial mis à part ça, qui n'est pas spécial non plus en fin de compte.

Bump ya know.

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  • 2 mois plus tard...

Un autre petit up.

GTA 5 présenté à la gamescom 2012 ? #

"Rockstar Games aurait-il l'intention de présenter GTA 5 durant la gamescom 2012 ? La question mérite en tout cas d'être posée depuis la diffusion d'une vidéo promotionnelle par Bundesverband Interaktive, la société chargée de l'organisation du salon germanique. Le trailer en question laisse en effet s'échapper des séquences extraites de Tomb Raider, FIFA 13, Assassin's Creed 3 ou bien encore Call of Duty Black Ops 2, des jeux qui feront a priori parler d'eux à Cologne au mois d'août prochain. On nous promet quelques exclusivités mondiales, et il n'est donc pas impossible que GTA 5 fasse partie de celles-ci puisque la superproduction de Rockstar Games figure elle aussi dans cette fameuse vidéo. Pour mémoire, on rappelle que la gamescom 2012 se déroulera du 15 au 19 août prochains. Vous pouvez bien évidemment compter sur nous pour couvrir l'événement comme il se doit."!

Regardez à 1:50, je pense que honnêtement ça sent bon. Jeuxactu a raison de se poser la question.

  • J'aime! 2
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Après neuf mois de silence, on y est enfin ! J'ai jouis, bordel !

N'empêche que c'est assez laid, c'est plein d'aliasing, ça a l'air bourré de clipping. J'attends des screens de la version PC, anyway je prendrai jamais ce jeu là sur console.

Modifié par Far_Fear
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  • 2 semaines plus tard...
  • 4 semaines plus tard...

GTA c'est quand même le seul jeu où on bave devant des screenshots qui en soi n'apportent rien de vraiment nouveau.

Mais rien que d'imaginer les perspectives de jeu, ça laisse rêveur.

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