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  Le 2009-07-26 à 18:16, Drox a dit :

J'attends quand même le jeu des Beatles (c'est probablement le seul jeu que j'achèterai cette année). C'est d'ailleurs à cause de ça que je me suis intéressé à l'Oeuvre du groupe. J'ai loué tous leurs albums et acheté leur biographie officielle. Je n'écoute que ça depuis une couple de semaines.

Wait. On peut louer des albums ?

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La dernière fois que j'ai mis les pieds dans une bibliothèque municipale, j'étais au primaire je pense.

Merci de l'éclaircissement!

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  Le 2009-08-02 à 15:37, Drox a dit :

Aujourd'hui, t'as même des FILMS DVD!

Et j'imagine que c'est gratuit?


Sinon, en ce qui concerne Rock Band, est-ce que beaucoup de gens ressortent du Future Shop avec le Rock Star Mullet Kit? :



J'arrive pas à croire que ce produit existe! (J'ai vu ça parce qu'il y a 1-2 semaines, ça venait en pack avec un Guitar Hero!

Liens Futureshop:

Mullet pour homme

Mullet pour femme

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L'emballage de Rock Band n'est pas traduit en français...

Et voici mon SUPER drum.

  • Ion Drum rocker : payé 200$ boite ouverte (comme neuf)
  • Pédale Pearl 120P : 45$
  • Kickpad KD-8 Roland : 120$
  • Kickbox (pour connecter le kickpad au module ION) : 70$
  • Deux cymbales CY-5 Roland : 75$ chacune
  • Grosse cymbale Yamaha : 90$

Il me manque seulement un module de drum électronique and I'm good to go!


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J'ai précommandé The Beatles chez EB Games, car apparemment que le jeu sera aussi difficile à trouver en magasin que l'a été Rock Band 2 (n'étant pas traduit). Je vous suggère fortement de l'acheter via Amazon (sans farce, c'est une des seules façons de l'obtenir au Québec). N'oubliez pas de passer par notre bannière. ;)

J'ai donc reçu un code d'accès au Club spécial. Y'a pas grand-chose d'intéressant, sinon le vidéo complet de la chanson Birthday. Rien de surprenant : des effets psychédéliques comme on peut s'y attendre.

Aussi, une entrevue exclusive :

This week we conclude our two part interview from Abbey Road Studios in London with Harmonix CEO and Co-Founder, Alex Rigopulos and Creative Producer and Music Supervisor for The Beatles: Rock Band, Giles Martin.


Can you explain some of the challenges you dealt with when dealing with some of The Beatles earlier catalog?

Giles: The biggest challenge for us was working with the earlier stuff. We were criticized in Love for using a lot of late stuff. It was easy because it was in 4 track and 8 track, but the material we have for the Cavern Club in the game is 2 track. We've been challenged by thinking, how do you interact with that? Do you use different techniques to try and demix material? With improved technology, we’re now at a stage where we don’t have to damage sound. Now you can take away layers and really get beneath the music. We've had to do this extensively with this project and it's been laborious and painstaking. It’s important that people interact with the game, even on the earlier years. So by removing vocals from a track, people can hear instruments. If you make a mistake playing the bass on “Twist and Shout”, you'll hear the fact that you're making a mistake on “Twist and Shout”. The Beatles stuff is about 67 percent the band playing guitar, bass, and drums all on one track. If you're playing the drums on the game and I stop that channel, the bass and guitar would stop as well.

What is the difference between 2, 4 and 8 track?

Giles: In the studio today, we work with thousands of tracks, which means we have all of these faders. We have faders on the desk and we can control each individual instrument. In the case of the drum kit today, you'll have the kick drum, the snare drum, the cymbals, the high hat, and the toms, on individual tracks. The Beatles started off on two track, which means that more often than not they would record the entire band on one track, which is one channel. Your stereo is left and right which equals two tracks. That’s why in America they have the stereo, and on the left hand side you have the band and on the right hand side you have the vocals.

As time went on they found four track. Now when they started off with four track, they were still working in exactly the same way. So track one, they would have the band playing, which is guitar, bass and drums again. Third track they'd put vocals because it was a double track. Fourth track they'd say, “Oh should we use that guitar solo on there?”

It wasn't until around 1966 that you would start having the drums on its own [track]. There was no need. Stereo didn't really exist in the 60s. There was no need to have separate instruments, there wasn't that desire. They certainly didn't think they would be turning themselves into an interactive video game in forty years time, so they weren't thinking about us at all in modern times. So the challenge is always trying to separate individual performances. I think it's great that they just worked as a band. What you hear is them in the studio, and what you hear is them on one track just bashing a song out. It just makes life more difficult for us now.

What were the most challenging tracks you had to work with that you had to de-mix?

Giles: The most challenging tracks are the early ones such as, “Twist and Shout” and “I Saw Her Standing There” because they are all just stereos and we're using different elements. For example, take “I Want To Hold Your Hand” -- its bass, guitars and drums are all on a single track, so we had to be very careful when de-mixing these earlier songs to ensure that we didn’t alter the sound. We have to represent [The Beatles] in the best way possible and they were such an amazing band and amazing players that we have to sync to that. The later the music gets the easier it becomes for us.

How has technological advancements in the music industry affected the process of developing The Beatles songs for Rock Band? Is there a specific piece of technology that helped you the most?

After about 45 minutes of working on a particular song, these people, who couldn't sing harmony to save their lives, are suddenly nailing the harmony parts of these Beatles songs. - Alex Rigopulos

Alex: It's important to recognize that there’s not one specific technology that was developed where we could just flip the switch and get multitask separation [between tracks]. It's been a painstaking process of going through song by song, track by track, understanding the particular nature of the multitask super position in each track. Even changing from moment to moment in a single track is creating custom filters, custom technological solutions and custom approaches in order to get the isolation we needed. Giles has been very busy this year.

Giles: The funny thing about this is that this probably couldn't have been done two years ago or a year ago. There are fantastic engineers that are developing systems which enables us to do this as we go along. Technology is moving so quickly that we are in a situation where music can be interactive. This is what is really exciting. This game actually makes you listen to the bass line and guitars and stuff like that. And by stripping away and separating these things, it really makes you appreciate the musicianship of The Beatles. I think that's a great thing. If it encourages people to do that then it's fantastic.

Alex: There are aspects of the music that, when you listen to the entire mix, will escape detection normally. I had a very personal experience with this with one of the first songs when we got into the game, which was “Taxman”. “Taxman” is a song I heard at least a hundred times in my life and I thought I knew intimately. But the first time I was playing a bass part in that song, I was playing along with the bass line and just having a really great time with it, and then a moment came in the song’s bridge, leading into the guitar solo, where the bass just started going crazy and started running all over the place. It was amazing. An amazing moment in the bass that I had never noticed in a hundred times in hearing this song before. It’s these kind of jewels in the music that we hope to be exposing for the first time once we give an opportunity to people to focus on specific elements of the music one by one.

How does The Beatles: Rock Band differ musically from previous installations of Rock Band?

Giles: It is very different because Rock Band generally favors bands that have lots of guitars and play riffs and stuff like that. People know Beatles’ songs by the words and they know them by singing along. But it’s funny because their instrumentation has always been very precise and very good, and it'll be the first time that people will start listening to what's being played underneath. I think that's a great thing because they were damn fine players.

Alex: They were, and particularly some of the drum parts. There were intricacies in some of the drum grooves that I had just never noticed before and I think people are going to touch that for the first time and it's going to change how people understand this music.

A new feature that will be on The Beatles: Rock Band is the ability to do 3 part harmonies in the song. Can you elaborate on this a little bit?

Alex: For the singing game play in our previous games, we've always focused on a single singer singing a single part, but harmonies are such a critical aspect of The Beatles music that this was an area we felt we had to innovate in this game. So one of the new significant game play features of The Beatles game is harmony singing -- players will be able to plug in up to three microphones, and the visual interface -- in addition to displaying the main melody line -- will also display the harmony lines as well. So if there are two or three of you, any of you can pick up the extra microphone and play the harmony parts. Most people are not musicians or trained singers and they can't sing harmony. They really don't know how to do it, so when they start singing a particular Beatles tune for the first time and two or three people are trying to do the extra harmony parts, it's just horrendous. They’re out of tune and they're just missing the parts completely, and it's a mess. But it's a video game and they keep trying and trying, and after about 45 minutes of working on a particular song, these people who couldn't sing harmony to save their lives, are suddenly nailing the harmony parts of these Beatles songs. It's really gratifying watching that come together, and it's really gratifying to imagine that 6 to 9 months from now there’s going to be millions of people out in the world who couldn't sing harmony, who are all of a sudden coming together around this music.

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Pis t'avais cherché dans combien de magasins avant?

Regarde, je travaille dans le domaine. J'ai vu la frustration des gens, incapables de mettre la main dessus.

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  Le 2009-08-03 à 21:42, Drox a dit :

Pis t'avais cherché dans combien de magasins avant?

Regarde, je travaille dans le domaine. J'ai vu la frustration des gens, incapables de mettre la main dessus.

Bof ... Je sais pas combien. Mais AC/DC Rock Band, lui y'était dûr à trouver

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  Le 2009-08-03 à 21:42, Drox a dit :

Pis t'avais cherché dans combien de magasins avant?

Regarde, je travaille dans le domaine. J'ai vu la frustration des gens, incapables de mettre la main dessus.

J'avais appelé PARTOUT mais vraiment partout là, alors vu que je suis un acheteur très compulsif j'ai acheté le kit de RB avec le jeu RB2 séparément, mais je ne regrette pas mon choix.

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  Le 2009-08-03 à 23:21, The Flying Monsieur a dit :

J'ai été obligé d'aller chercher mon Rockand 2 en Ontario.

J'ai sauver une taxe au moins...

Haha, j'aurais fait la même chose à ta place, mais j'en aurais été incapble faute de transport. Mais bon, ce jeu en vaux vraiment la chandelle!

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