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Application 'Social Groups'


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J'sais que je vous lance pas mal d'affaires dernièrement, on dirait que je ne sais pas vers quoi m'enligner. C'est que la communauté Invision Power Board est très active et très créatrice depuis quelques jours. Il y a des dizaines de projets qui sortent de nulle part.

Le développeur peaderfi, celui qui a mis au point l'application des Accomplissements, en train de confectionner quelque chose qui, ma foi, colle plutôt bien à l'esprit des petits cliques hermétiques du Dépotoir : Social Groups.

Des groupes sociaux. Un peu comme sur Facebook. Certains utilisateurs (lire : les immunisés) pourront créer un groupe personnalisé, gérer les demandes d'accès et modérer eux-mêmes une sorte de sous-forum privé. Il y aura une tonne d'options.

Ça pourrait donner lieu à une dynamique intéressante. Voici quelques images de ce qui a été accompli jusqu'à présent.





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Pas plus que j'en sais. Je suppose que ce sera l'équivalent d'un groupe sur Facebook. On peut y laisser des commentaires.

Next on my list of "mods/apps to do" is a Social Groups App. I'm taking a break from creating the paid version of the Awards System to make this as I feel Social Groups is something that many people are looking for. It will be a paid mod. The price is, as of yet, undecided but will be in the region of $15 - $20. It is currently "Feature Locked" purely because there are already a ton of features being developed and adding more will only delay the release of the app.

Planned Feature-set:

  • Admin Features:
    • Feature: Allows Admins to designate current/future groups as "Social Groups"
    • Feature: Allows Admins & Group Owners to designate whether or not a group is "moderated", that is it allows them to choose whether or not people who join the group are put in a moderation queue.
    • Setting: Allows Admins to designate on a per group basis to decide whether or not members of the group can create Social Groups (provided their masks give them permission to be a Social Group Owner)
    • Permissions: Per Group "Join Groups", "View Groups", "Bypass Moderation", and "Can Own" Permissions
    • Setting: Decide whether or not a specific Social Group can have more than one person at "Owner" level. If this setting is changed from "Yes" to "No" all current Owners except the last added Owner will be demoted from their "Owner" status.
    • Setting: Decide whether or not a specific Social Group can have its Ownership passed on by the current Owner.
    • Setting: Decide whether or not a specific Social Group and all its associated content may be deleted by the Owner.
    • Setting: Set the max number of Social Group Forums that can be created
    • Setting: Choose where Social Group Forums can be created (as in choose potential parent forums)
    • Setting: Max # of Group Blogs that can be created

    [*] Global Settings:

    • Turn System On/Off (If turned off any created Social Groups revert to functioning as normal groups with all of their content intact)
    • Designate Category where Social Group owners can create private forums (this should be fun) (need to create a permission set per forum and assign to that specific group)
    • Designate a Group that any new Social Groups created will be based on (all settings will be inherited from this group). Note: The new Social Groups will not inherit the permissions sets of the parent group. They will instead have a blank permission set created for the group.
    • Designate a Forum that any new Social Group Forums created will be based on. Note: Any new Social Group Forums will not inherit the permissions of the parent forum, they will instead have as a base permission set either the Default Public or Default Private
    • Designate whether or not Social Groups can create their own Private Blogs/Gallerys/Downloads Cats (this should be fun) (need to create a permission set per forum and assign to that specific group)
    • Designate whether group ownership can be transferred. (Global Setting. If set to no then group ownership can only be changed in the ACP)
    • Global Max Creation Settings (ie no more than x amount of forums can be created globally)
    • Designate whether or not owners can disband group. (Global Setting overrides individual group setting. If set to no then Social Groups can only be deleted in ACP)
    • Designate whether or not, on change of a Social Group back to a normal group, all members who joined the group through the Social Groups app are ejected from the group
    • Designate "Default Permission Set" for "Public Groups" (Since Owners will only be able to decide to make a forum/blog/download/gallery etc Public or Private)

    [*] Owner Features: (only members can be owners, groups can't be) Note: All Admins have "Owner" powers over all groups but don't need to be designated as "Owners"

    • Can designate permissions for group as a whole over individual content (eg forums, blog posting etc).
    • Can change the name of the Group
    • Can change the group description
    • Can set the Social Group as Hidden/Private/Public. Note: the meaning of these is a touch different in that it only refers to the state of the Social Group in the "Social Groups Listings" (and the main Members Listing). For example if the member is allowed to view the "Social Groups Listing" they will not see "Hidden" Social Groups, they will be able to see "Private" Social Groups but not view the membership list of the "Private" Social Groups and they will in "Public" Social Groups.
    • Can decide whether or not the group requires moderator approval to join.
    • Can "invite" members into Group (members get a pm about it with a link that allows them to approve or reject said invite)
    • Can "kick" members out of Group - Group Owners cannot be kicked unless they are first demoted
    • Can "ban" members from Group (prevents them from reapplying) - Board Admins cannot be banned, similarly group Owners cannot be banned
    • Can disband group (Only available if allowed by both individual group setting and global setting) - Permanent Action - Deletes everything associated with the group and removes all members from the group, removes all content made in the "group owned" Forums/Blog
    • Can Pass on Ownership (validation key emailed) - If ownership is transferred and the new owner doesn't have create powers for stuff that has already been created they will only be able to delete or edit but not create for their group) - Can only be passed to members whose permissions allow ownership.
    • Can add Co-Owners (validation key emailed) - Co-Owners have all of the privileges of Owners
    • Can remove Co-Owners (validation key emailed)
    • Decide whether or not Mods have "create" powahs
    • Decide whether or not Mods have "delete" powahs
    • Decide whether or not Mods have "kick" powahs (Mods cannot kick mods)
    • Decide whether or not Mods have "ban" powahs (Mods cannot ban mods)
    • Can generally decide Moderator Powers for the group (Both for blogs & forums)

Features marked for Future Versions:

Group Downloads (likely will need to wait until I get my hands on IP.Downloads)

Group Gallery (likely will need to wait until I get my hands on IP.Gallery)

Notifications (will be included when 3.1 comes out)

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Donc. Des "cellules" hermétiques à l'intérieur du Dep. C'est prometteur comme idée, en autant que tu puisses garder un œil sur tout ça, de loin.

Note: The new Social Groups will not inherit the permissions sets of the parent group. They will instead have a blank permission set created for the group.
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Autrement dit ca va être comme créer des blogues et des fan pages. Ca risque pas de faire BAISSER l'activité du forum? J'ai aussi peur que les membres prennent ca trop au sérieux et que ca divise encore plus les membres. Entk on verra bien.

Imaginez la page du Phantalain et le fan club officiel de Pesmergo.

Ca promet.

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Si les "sous-forums" en question peuvent avoir l'aspect d'une section normale, avec la bannière en 300x80 et tout le kit, je suis à 100% pour.

Il pourrait y en avoir un pour la clique du chat (MattIsGod, Insolite, Chicken, Vagabond, John de Gray, Darklords, Aristo, Gemini.. et moi, bien sûr), par exemple.

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  • 1 mois plus tard...

Si les "sous-forums" en question peuvent avoir l'aspect d'une section normale, avec la bannière en 300x80 et tout le kit, je suis à 100% pour.

Il pourrait y en avoir un pour la clique du chat (MattIsGod, Insolite, Chicken, Vagabond, John de Gray, Darklords, Aristo, Gemini.. et moi, bien sûr), par exemple.

Ouais, ça serait une super idée. Surtout les forums de groupes et les groupes.

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John de Gray ou l'homme qui remontait des sujets parce qu'on le nommait.

Wtf, c'est vraiment nowhere ça, je l'ai pas remonté il était déjà dans ma liste de nouveau contenu que je n'avais pas vu, le dernier message date d'il y a 4 jours.

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Autrement dit ca va être comme créer des blogues et des fan pages. Ca risque pas de faire BAISSER l'activité du forum? J'ai aussi peur que les membres prennent ca trop au sérieux et que ca divise encore plus les membres. Entk on verra bien.

Imaginez la page du Phantalain et le fan club officiel de Pesmergo.

Ca promet.

Si tu penses que c'est le genre de choses qu'on aime, tu te trompes.

J'espère de tout mon coeur que cette idée s'est envolée dans la brume.

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Wtf, c'est vraiment nowhere ça, je l'ai pas remonté il était déjà dans ma liste de nouveau contenu que je n'avais pas vu, le dernier message date d'il y a 4 jours.

Le dernier message datait d'il y a plus d'un mois.

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Ah oui, j'avais lu 14 mai. Reste qu'il était dans ma liste de nouveau contenue sur le 5ème page. Ce n'était pas voulu.

WHAT?!? Aurais-tu un problème spatio-temporel mon cher John ?

  • J'aime! 1
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Ah oui, j'avais lu 14 mai. Reste qu'il était dans ma liste de nouveau contenue sur le 5ème page. Ce n'était pas voulu.

Ok, donc on est back to the futur. Je reviendrai voir si ton message est encore là le 14 mai.

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