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Hier soir j'en avais marre d’écouter toujours les mêmes chansons de Mansfield tya et je me demandais quand Rebecca Warrior allait bouger son cul et sortir un nouvel album.

C'est chose faite avec Kompromat, où elle pose sa voix sur la musique de Vitalic (comme cela a été fait il ya une paire d'années avec "la mort sur le dancefloor"). Dommage que 80% de l'album soit visiblement en allemand, quelle drôle d'idée ....


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On s'en contre-câlisse que la culture soit contagieuse.




Standing on my feet I'm still alive
I wish I even tried 'cause I never tried
It's better if I even try
I wish to you I was on my way
But you see me as a lightweight
Why I keep on picking up the phone
Why is it always on
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
Why is it always on
Against the odds
And through the grain
You would never know me anyway
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
I'm just a lightweight
Taking my chance just to know your name
Breaking my bones just to see your face
It's better if I even try
Why I keep on picking up the phone
Why is it always on
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
Why is it always on
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
Against the odds
And through the grain
You would never know me anyway
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
I'm just a lightweight
Against the odds
And through the grain
You would never know me anyway
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
I'm just a lightweight
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
Still alive
I'm just a lightweight in your eyes
Still alive
Still alive
Still alive
Still alive




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deez nuts
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