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Handwritten de The Gaslight Anthem sortait aujourd'hui, mais je l'ai dans la tête depuis quelques jours. C'est catchy en sal, j'adore ce bon p'tit son rock/folk bien retro, puis la voix rauque de Brian Fallon fitte à la perfection. On semble aussi plus "investi" dans chaque chanson comparativement aux albums précédents. À date je crois que Keepsake et Desire sont les deux tounes que j'apprécie le plus sur ce disque.

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William Basinski The Disintegration Loops


Un ami m'a fait découvrir ça l'autre jour. Des loops et des loops et des loops qui forment du drone merveilleux à l'oreille. L'histoire derrière l'album est assez intéressante.

"Loops is based on Basinski's attempts to salvage earlier recordings made on magnetic tape, by transferring them into digital format; however, the tape had physically deteriorated to the point that, as it passed by the read/write head, the ferrite detached from the plastic backing and fell off. Basinski has said that he finished the project the morning of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, and sat on the roof of his apartment building in Brooklyn with friends listening to the project as the WTC towers collapsed. In 2011 Basinski corrected earlier reports where he described recording the last hour of daylight of 9/11 in NYC with a video camera focused on the smoke where the towers were from a neighbors roof, then set the first loop as the soundtrack to that footage. Stills from that video were used as the covers for the set of four CDs."

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