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Il y avait un spécial BRASSENS l'autre jour à Radio Galilée (la radio chrétienne),
ils ont passé ses meilleures tounes dont une que je connaissais pas :


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Just look at the state we're in
People at odds there's nuclear fission
Mad beef with technology
Shit ain't right, not like it used to be
We pollute the air we breathe
And the water that we drink
Modern tempers rage and seethe
Why don't we stop and think
At the current rate we're sealing our fate
It's much too late for a world based on hate
We've entered the time of quarrel
Human beings can't coexist
No more respect for morals
Our values have been dismissed
It starts in vicious circles and then it filters down
From governments to local gangs
Confrontation all around
State of panic we hang by a thread
The earth will be safe when we're all dead
Call me pessimistic, the glass is empty
After the blast a new society
Fear spawns greed and see what it brings
A world where no one enjoys the small things
Happiness comes from these and within
But we will never find it if we're boiling in sin

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