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Le mouvement Lolita

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Il y a 9 heures, Cheval a dit :

Moi je suis beyond the top.

Ou genre, the top is the new floor.

Ok je vais être franc, c'est pas la réponse à laquelle je m'attendais. 

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Il y a 4 heures, Gamin a dit :

Ok je vais être franc, c'est pas la réponse à laquelle je m'attendais. 

Ben joue alors, pourquoi tu n'avancerais pas la réponse que tu attendais. Montre moi ce que tu pensais s'il te plait, je réagirai conséquemment. Met ça au monde.

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Il y a 8 heures, Gamin a dit :

Ok je vais être franc, c'est pas la réponse à laquelle je m'attendais. 

Ok ok, j'ai même pas essayer j't'ai juste pas là.

Il y a une drôle de tangibilité dans l'esthétique lolita qu'on peut transposer dans différentes sphères de l'esthétique japonaise comme Gundam ou les armures de samouraï. On dirait que ça dit que ce qui est fait sur ou dessus le corps est à la fois libéré de contrainte logique et à la fois d'un espoir de la présomption d'innocence. Je suis justement en train de tomber dans Gundam et il me semble y avoir une merveilleuse promesse. Quelques choses comme la liberté de se construire et l'abyssale possibilité qui est révélé devant nous dans se constat.
Les lolitas marque se point dans une force de la défiance qui, contre toute attente, affirme l'autorité de l'innocence comme en face et réfractaire à une mort de l'esthétique de l'efficience. 

Sans m'en empêcher, je voudrais associé l'enfance et l'adulte dans un vecteur de perte plutôt que de gain. Pourquoi ne discutons nous pas plus du déplacement dans la phase de l'adulte de que comme un échec à la rétention de l'innocence? N'est-ce pas ce qui est explicite, dans l'immanence phénoménale d'une lolita, la gloire oublié de la pureté de l'innocence? Pourquoi un pont n'est-il pas rose? Qu'est-ce qui serait si différent si toutes les maisons était en couleur pastel? Serais-ce que nous aurions peur de voir l'enfant en nous? Je reste sans mots lorsqu'en moi, je laisse la parole à l'enfant en l'imaginant autant potable que l'adulte. Et se, sur une diversité de questions toutes plus humaines que les autres. Où est l'enfance du monde adulte? Où est notre enfance dans le courant de nos vies. Quelles place, comme individu, lui accordons-nous? Pour une époque autant comblé remplit de divertissement, on s'amuse très peu. 

Lolita, c'est une enfance qui acquière une disposition extra-dimensionnelle, une transduction de la volonté irradiante d'être mis de côté d'une sphère sans en avoir pu défendre son utilité à celle-si. C'est pour ça que sa peut être entrevue comme une forme tamisé d'une certaine violence, c'est parce que c'est une volonté légitime qui se fait retirer ces droits de constituer le paysage du réel. Ce dur apprentissage que la culture japonaise nous fais concernes la douloureuse perte de notre enfant dans l'évolution du corps vers la mort. Sommes-nous peut-être aller trop loin dans l'encouragement du retrait de l'enfance dans la configuration visuel, morale et comportemental de nos sociétés.

Je pense au Gundam et je les compares au Lolita car dans les deux cas, il y a une zone tangible par la sensibilité qui est créé pour servir d'argumentaire, d'inventaire et de ressource à l'invention de soi. Un peu comme une propagande de l'être, une lolita est immanquable à ignorer de la même manière que l'être se présente comme différent et proportionnellement fier de sa différence. Récemment, j'ai compris que je faisais de l'art pour jouer, pour rester un enfant. Mais, qu'est-ce qui serait vraiment possible, disons que j'arrive à rester un enfant en jouant. Pourrais-je avoir accès à différente région de mon imagination qui m'était bloqué dans mon cycle adulte. Quelle serait ces régions et que pourrais-je faire avec... Pourquoi est-ce que les problèmes des humains semblent toujours si unilatéralement solvable. Attendre, ignorer, prendre le coup, éviter. La troublante réalité d'un imaginaire libéré nous informes d'une genre de lâcheté de l'âge adulte de s'amuser plus dans sa propre vie. L'innocence d'un enfant qui joue pour sauver le monde n'a elle pas de promesse qu'une compartimentalisation des peines et des douleurs en échelle et groupe succinct. 

Ce qui dérange, dans la présence d'une lolita, c'est l'affront audieux que les choix présentement en activité sont laissé allez sans faire la preuve de leur propre efficience et que mettre de l'attention dans cette région du doute et de l'anxiété pourrait faire basculer le monde. Cet affront, c'est l'affront d'un enfant divin qui se cache derrière l'autorité rude d'une civilisation qui est encore au prise avec un débalancement psychique à l'échelle nationale. 

lol sry @Carlos Crasseux
roule le reste de la tête pi tu seras du bon bord. 

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@Chevalle vocabulaire de la critique esthétique, c'est loin de moi. Mais je pense quand même comprendre où tu veux en venir, et c'est intéressant. C'est sûr qu'il y avait un esprit de rébellion de l'innocence et de la pureté pour beaucoup de Lolitas. Pour ma part, dans le monde contemporain hypersexualisé des adultes où la femme ne pouvait qu'exister en tant qu'objet de désir, je voulais certainement forcer mon refus, l'imposer dans le paysage. Ma philosophie se prêtait clairement au langage du combat. L'outfit, ou le coord comme on l'appelait dans notre jargon, c'était pour moi et pour beaucoup d'autres une armure

Voici quelques essais de Takemoto Novala qui, à l'époque, m'ont inspiré jusqu'à faire le saut vers le Lolita, quand je vivais des moments très difficiles.


Rules on the Lolita

I want to become a lolita, you say.
So become one, I reply.
What can I do to look like a lolita?
I have no words with which to reply to this.
You need a headdress, don't you? And a pannier.
Is this coordinate strange?
Is it not wrong for lolita?
Why do you want to do lolita?
Because it's trendy, because my friends do it...
If that's the case, you have no right to wear lolita.
If you just do what the others do, you will look like a lolita.
But I want you to think about something.
Who do you live for?
You think you want to be yourself, but you are afraid of isolation.
You yell that you want to be free, but you take comfort in following convention.
When you are praised for something you don't even feel comfortable with, are you really satisfied?
Girls who wear Vivienne Westwood but don't even know the Sex Pistols.
Even when wearing a jersey, a princess is a princess.
My lolita rules are mine alone.
So you are the only one who can find your own lolita rules.
My god and your god are different, aren't they?
There are angels who wear elegant dresses and play tamborines,
But there are also angels wearing armor and carrying swords whose job it is to fight.
I can't answer your question.
But there are a lot of hints all around you.
You just haven't noticed yet.
What you feel is right is your answer.
Sew frills onto the hem of your heart!
Put a tiara on top of your soul!
Have pride.



Takemoto, Novala. "Let's Learn the 'Maiden's Way' from Mr. Novala Takemoto." Gothic & Lolita Bible ゴシック&ロリータバイブル Vol. 18. 2005: 83-86.

No matter how much you wear cute clothing, or how much time your makeup takes, if your inner self is remiss then true beauty will not be yours. In other words, from morning to night, even at times when people aren’t looking at you, you cannot forget to continuously make an effort to be beautiful. Loafers do not have the capacity to become a maiden.

For whose sake do we light the fire of obsession for beauty? To be frank, it is for your own sake. If you make your number one priority coming closer to your desired ideal of a maiden even a little bit, or becoming the “you” that you want to be, then no matter how the people around you react you won’t be able to let it go. First of all, I want you to hold onto preferences, specific to you that you will never let go for anything in the world, and pursue those preferences completely. In doing so, you should naturally come to have confidence. Those people who make use of their aesthetic senses in fashion and everyday life are satisfied with themselves, and that’s why they appear to shine so brilliantly.

I often take the question, “How does one become a lovely maiden?” However, the answer is only within you. The one who spoils you the most is you. That is why the only person who you must strictly connect with is no one else but you yourself. If you discover your own style, then no matter how mixed up an outfit you make, it is something that will inexplicably be realized.

However, if you try to acquire your own style, then, regardless of fashion, you should also touch upon lots of different things like music, movies, books, art, etc. Sometimes, there may even be a necessity to get close to things you have absolutely no interest in, or things for which you have no aptitude. When doing that, you’ll naturally understand what is necessary to you and what isn’t.

Ultimately, the important thing is intelligence. It’s impossible for stupid people or people with no curiosity to become maidens no matter how hard they try. Even if you have no money and can’t buy the clothes you want, you can still refine your senses by going to the stores and checking, or even just looking at magazines. Of course, in the beginning, you’ll repeat a lot of mistakes and it’ll be really embarrassing.

However, don’t forget that the path to being a correct maiden opens only to those who aren’t afraid of that and push forward.

Five Articles for Becoming a Lovely Girl
1. Neglect not your inner self. Be warned that God grants no beauty to loafers.
2. If you long to be a maiden, then define yourself as your own rival.
3. Style is not something granted unto you. Indeed, it is because you made it, that it has value.
4. Stylistic sense is refined according to intellect. That is the maiden’s greatest weapon.
5. Keep snacks to under 500 yen. If you get carsick, then sit in the seat near the window.


Celui-là, dans le contexte de ma vie à ce moment, avait été particulièrement puissant dans ma conversion :


I Don't Need Things Like Friends

As the beginning of spring passes, I often hear people discussing a particular problem: “I don’t have any friends! What should I do?” April comes around, and between new homerooms and the like, their environment and surroundings change. People are caught daydreaming while their new peers are forming groups, and before they realize it they are left all alone. When summer starts most are released from this dilemma and enjoy the break with the help of their old friends. However, even in the new season, there are some of these people who are still left alone. They show great strength and continue their lives by themselves.

A maiden does not need things like friends. Maidens are sublime and aloof by nature. In stories, the male heros will form cliques and carry out their activities together. Like in Tom Sawyer, Tom, Huckleberry Fin, and Getalobe, joined together and the three of them made the “15 boy’s drifter chronicles”, and then the 15 had to be together; they weren’t adult at all. But young ladies are different. Alice went through the perils of Wonderland by herself, and Anju helped her brother escape from the bandit’s mountain and was abandoned herself. And if you think about Meg, she was always singing, “People say I can do anything but still/ the witch girl Meg is always alone.” Being a maiden is an “absolute existence.” And being “absolute” is by definition “uniqueness” that cannot be compared to others, so maidens need no companions. Like Ken from the gangster movies, maidens have a cool independence. They say things like, “If I open my heart to people I can make friends,” but opening your heart to others is sacrelige, and you musn’t do that. A maiden’s heart is her glittering jewel, and should not be shown to others recklessly.

A maiden stands coldly like a glass pain that seems like it would shatter if touched, encased in a hard shell for protection, and that maiden, tightly bound in a web of honey and gazing at you all alone, isn’t she cute. There is no need for you to integrate yourself with the common people. It’s okay if people say you’re an “arrogant child” or a “gloomy child.” Thinking you can’t eat lunch by yourself and making friends, that’s a really silly thing to do. Being gorgeously aristocratic like Madame butterfly is an indispensable part of being an independent princess. For me, my tv and potted plants are my close friends.


Fuck, ça me fait vraiment des estis de gros feels de relire ça maintenant. J'ai le coeur qui débat.


The Lolita's Shell

A large ribbon above a frilled blouse, a wired balerina style skirt. A ring gotten for a dollar, Hello Kitty stationary, and a gigantic stuffed teddy bear. A Lolita shoujo resembles a fool.
"Don't you have anything troubling you?"
"Any doubts?"
"Nothing really."
"If you come across something bad?"
"I cry."
You eat as much of Handsel and Grettel's gingerbread house as you please. The whole world exists just for you. That was the fake philosophy of the lolita circling round and round the skating rink with a vacant smile plastered opon her laughing face.

My teacher once said something in the midst of his Biology lecture:

"Life always begins from something round. If you think of the shape of an egg you will understand this. The inside, which has no power of resistance, is oriented within a sphere to escape the dangers of the outside world. It has been contrived that living creature's attack instinct decreases both physically and mentally when faced with a round shape. In short, more emblematically stated, there is nothing wrong with saying that a round shape is "cute." Let's consider the chicken. It's progression from not being able to protect itself from the outside world is egg, chick, and finally bird, correct? As for the chick, it tries to ensure its own bodily safety by becoming as round as it can, and that mimics the original round one in cuteness. And for humans as well, a baby, no matter what baby it may be, also has a cute, roundish shape. And when it comes down to it, the extinct Dodo bird, which is famous for being weeded out by natural law due to its inability to protect itself, also had a cute form, much like a stuffed animal in itself."

And I thought that lolitas try to abide by that rule as well. Their big ribbons are a mimicry of a butterfly. And so they adapt to stuffed animals, and go about living while pretending they are incompetent dolls. That is because it's the sole way of receiving protection from the cruelty of this world. If a detective's Burberry trenchcoat is armor for an easily hurt soul, then inside their decorative Jane Marpel fashion, Lolita are wrapping away cells made from glass. And that is the maiden's "hard-boiled-eggism." The skating ring they dance upon is a thin film of ice, the subtlty between truth and fiction. And the Lolita well know that beneath the ice lies the abominable surface of reality, and that when spring comes the ice will melt and fade away. But even still, with the cookoo clock with the broken fiddleheads poking through (only the second hand moves.; the hour and minute hands forever point to the same place), they cannot remove their skates.

If they repeatedly spin faster than time, a miracle's surely bound to occur. Now, waving the ensignia of the lilly high with no incorrigibility meant, let us devote ourselves to our skating if you will.


L'italique est mon emphase, c'était les passages qui me parlaient beaucoup à l'époque (voir mon déchet dans la poubelle Déclics pour comprendre le lien.) Takemoto Novala, c'était le penseur du mouvement.

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