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Test jungien de la personnalité


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Comme promis il y a quelques temps, je fais un sujet pour classifier les membres du forum d'après leur personnalité type, selon le barème établi par Carl Gustav Jung, psychanalyste suisse.

Mes informations proviennent d'un peu partout et vous pouvez prendre un autre test que celui que je propose. Faites cependant plus d'un test si vous n'êtes pas familiers avec les personnalités types de Jung.


Le masculin est utilisé sans discrimination.

Classement des membres


Le théoricien ou architecte

Membres du forum:

- Séraphîta (I56 N62 T38 P78)

- Dred (I44 N38 T88 P33)

- Beau (I33 N75 T1 P22)

- Ben Hard (I67 N25 T50 P11)

- Locke (I33 N38 T50 P22)

- Forb (I56 N75 T62 P33)

- Failzord (I22 N75 T25 P33)

- Chicken of the infinite (I67 N38 T12 P78)

- Gilles (I44 N25 T25 P44)

Personnages célèbres:

- Socrate

- Albert Einstein

- René Descartes

- Blaise Pascal

- Charles Darwin

- Carl Gustav Jung

- Isaac Newton


Le cerveau ou mastermind

Membres du forum:

- Orion (I78 N12 T25 J22)

- Allah est gland (I11 N62 T50 J44)

- Kal (De loin)

- Daniel29ans (I22 N62 T75 J89)

- 1000+ (I67 N50 T38 J22)

- Lopette (I78 N12 T50 J11)

- Sim4444 (I67 N62 T75 J56)

- Petquifermente (I17 N62 T31 J39)

- Surréalismïevski (I78 N38 T12 J44)

- Marie-Pier

- Super.Jésus (I11 N75 T25 J61)

- Teuehikan (I11 N62 T25 J56)

- Gemini (I67 N12 T38 J33)

Personnages célèbres:

- Hannibal Lecter

- Friedrich Nietzsche

- John Maynard Keynes

- Gandalf le gris

- Thomas Jefferson


Le soigneur ou poète/prophète

Membres du forum:

- Lunn (I22 N38 F50 P11)

- Lethe (I11 N38 F50 P11)

- Ogoda (I78 N50 F12 P33)

- The Flying Monsieur (I44 N12 F88 P11)

Personnages célèbres:

- William Shakespeare

- Homère

- Jean, l'apôtre

- Aldous Huxley

- Sainte Marie

- Anne de la maison aux pignons verts


Le conseiller

Membres du forum:

- Pesmerga (I67 N25 F12 J44)

- MackBlack

- ToxiKev (I67 N12 F38 J1)

- Lisbeth (I56 N12 F25 J44)

- Noz (I22 N38 F38 J11)

- Limette

- The Rapist (I44 N38 F38 J1)

- Nutella (I78 N38 F38 J11)

- Daria (I78 N38 F25 J1)

Personnages célèbres:

- Aristophane

- Goethe

- Mère Thérésa

- Martin Luther King

- Nicole Kidman



Membres du forum:

- Ferros (I78 S12 T12 J33)

- Mudpie (I33 S1 T12 J78)

Personnages célèbres:

- George Washington

- Elizabeth II

- Warren Buffet



Membres du forum:

- Athos

Personnages célèbres:

- Bruce Lee

- Tom Cruise

- Clint Eastwood

- Frank Zappa


Le protecteur ou guardien

Membres du forum:

- Shantora (I11 S50 F75 J1)

- Ananastabarnak

- KillerInstinct (I44 S1 F62 J11)

Personnages célèbres:

- Mary I d'Angleterre

- Ophelia

- Tzar Nicholas II

- David Copperfield


Le compositeur ou musicien

Membres du forum:

- John Voljohn (I11 S38 F12 P11)

- Voixambigue (I89 S50 F38 P44)

Personnages célèbres:

- Bob Dylan

- Mozart

- Paul McCartney

- Marilyn Monroe


Le champion

Membres du forum:

- 1984 (E33 N12 F62 P44)

- Van Wilder (E22 N38 F38 P22)

- Lion (E22 N38 F62 P33)

- Guy Nantel (E11 N12 F75 P11)

Personnages célèbres:

- Charles Dickens

- Buster Keaton

- Robin Williams

- The fresh prince of bel-air



Membres du forum:

- Aradia (E22 N88 T38 P11)

- The Ripper (E78 N25 T62 P11)

Personnages célèbres:

- Thomas Edison

- Lewis Carroll

- Céline Dion

- Tom Hanks

- Alfred Hitchcock


Le fournisseur ou chasseur

Membres du forum:

- Tiffa (E1 S12 F75 J22)

Personnages célèbres:

- Bill Clinton

- Donald Duck


Le général ou maréchal

Membres du forum:

- LeChef (E44 N12 T25 J44)

- Otto von Bismarck (E11 N100 T35 J1)

- .nsrgnc (E22 N25 T12 J78)

- snoupy_sun (E56 N38 T12 J33)

- Wicked Anihilator (E1 N25 T75 J33)

Personnages célèbres:

- Napoléon Bonaparte

- Jim Carrey

- Hilary Clinton

- Margaret Thatcher


Le superviseur

Membres du forum:

Personnages célèbres:

- Lucy (Peanuts)

- George Washington

- Elliot Ness

- John Rockfeller


Le promoteur

Membres du forum:

- Mattisgod (E100 S12 T12 P33)

Personnages célèbres:

- Ernest Hemingway

- Madonna

- Winston Churchill

- Jack Nicholson


Le professeur

Membres du forum:

- Pin (E33 N38 F50 J33)

- Dantes (E22 N62 F12 J22)

Personnages célèbres:

- David, Roi d'Israël

- Barack Obama

- Oprah Winfrey

- Abraham Maslow

- Dennis Hopper


Le performeur

Membres du forum:

Personnages célèbres:

- Elizabeth Taylor

- Pablo Picasso

- Elvis

J'espère ne pas avoir fait d'erreur. Signalez les moi si ça arrive. Des descriptions plus complètes seront peut-être ajoutées au sujet.

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Your Type is


Introverted: 78

Intuitive: 12

Thinking: 25

Judging: 22

Je souhaite ça à personne.

Sinon dans un autre test semblable que j'ai passé j'étais plutot INTP, mais je pense que dans mon cas la seule constante c'est l'introversion, pour le reste je suis plutot polyvalent ou malléable.

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Your Type is


Introverted 11%

Sensing 38%

Feeling 12%

Perceiving 11%

You are:

* slightly expressed introvert

* moderately expressed sensing personality

* slightly expressed feeling personality

* slightly expressed perceiving personality

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Je suis INTP. J'ai fait deux tests (celui du lien et un autre) et les résultats sont :

1)I44 N38 T88 P33

2) Le second test me donne

Introverted (I) 64% Extraverted (E) 36%

Intuitive (N) 59% Sensing (S) 41%

Thinking (T) 80% Feeling (F) 20%

Perceiving (P) 86% Judging (J) 14%

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Your Type is


Introverted: 78

Intuitive: 12

Thinking: 25

Judging: 22

Je souhaite ça à personne.

Sinon dans un autre test semblable que j'ai passé j'étais plutot INTP, mais je pense que dans mon cas la seule constante c'est l'introversion, pour le reste je suis plutot polyvalent ou malléable.

Être mastermind ça doit être bien... jusqu'à ce que les autres s'en rendent compte et commencent à te craindre :chat:

Je peux difficilement savoir ce que c'est cependant parce que je suis aucunement juge. Je suis ouvert à toutes sortes de raisonnements et nouveautés. Pour moi, tout est acceptable jusqu'à preuve du contraire. Ma constante c'est IN_P. Je suis parfois classé poète selon mon humeur du moment et théoricien le reste du temps.

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En plus, toutes les personnalités sont présentées comme cool (professeur, architecte, musicien, etc.). Or, dans la réalité, 95% des gens n'ont à peu près aucun talent et ne se démarquent dans aucun domaine. Ça prendrait une catégorie pour ceux-là. Sinon, c'est juste du flatte-bedaine.

Modifié par Allah est gland
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Cool. Je me souviens avoir déjà pris ce test. Mais je le refais pour le fun:

Your Type is INFJ

Introverted 67%

Intuitive 25%

Feeling 12%

Judging 44%

Y me semblait que le test était pas mal plus long que ca avant.. C'était peut-être un autre.

Chaque fois que je fais ce genre de test, ca me fait réaliser à quel point je me contredit à plusieurs endroits. Judging c'est nouveau. J'ai toujours été Thinking ou Intuitif.

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En plus, toutes les personnalités sont présentés comme cool (professeur, architecte, musicien, etc.). Or, dans la réalité, 95% des gens n'ont à peu près aucun talent et ne se démarquent dans aucun domaine. Ça prendrait une catégorie pour ceux-là. Sinon, c'est juste du flatte-bedaine.

Les personnalités extraverties sont pas mal ces catégories plates. Sauf professeur et champion peut-être, je ne voudrais pas en être. C'est là que la majorité des gens se situe (superviseur, promoteur) mais c'est bien vrai qu'on montre surtout les bons côtés des catégories.

Un mauvais musicien n'en demeure pas moins musicien, s'il n'est pas dans la mauvaise vocation bien sûr.

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outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking, good at getting people to have fun, pleasure seeking, irresponsible, physically affectionate, risk taker, thrill seeker, likely to have or want a tattoo, adventurous, unprepared, attention seeking, hyperactive, irrational, loves crowds, rule breaker, prone to losing things, seductive, easily distracted, open, revealing, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, attracted to strange things, non punctual, likes to stand out, likes to try new things, fun seeker, unconventional, energetic, impulsive, empathetic, dangerous, loving, attachment prone, prone to fantasy


outgoing, social, attention seeking, emotional, loving, organized, comfortable around others, involved, open, hyperactive, complimentary, punctual, considerate, altruistic, easily hurt, religious, neat, content, positive, affectionate, image conscious, good at getting people to have fun, easily excited, perfectionist, assertive, ambitious, leader, hard working, seductive, touchy, group oriented, anti-tattoos


risk taker, easy going, outgoing, social, open, rule breaker, thrill seeker, life of the party, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, appreciates strangeness, disorganized, adventurous, talented at presentation, aggressive, attention seeking, experience junky, insensitive, adaptable, not easily offended, messy, carefree, dangerous, fearless, careless, emotionally stable, spontaneous, improviser, always joking, player, wild and crazy, dominant, acts without thinking, not into organized religion, pro-weed legalization


decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self centered, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be center of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, skeptical


organized, group oriented, focused, conventional, leader, emotionally stable, anal, attention seeking, planner, realistic, fearless, responsible, finisher, decisive, norm following, respects authority, punctual, hard working, stiff, self confident, thinks rules and regulations are important, follows the rules, clean, outgoing, social, content, does not like being alone, normal, regular, does not like weird or strange people / things - intolerant of differences, strict, disciplined, aggressive, assertive, content, happy, proper, formal, strict with self, meticulous, strong sense of purpose


does not like being alone, thinks life has purpose/meaning, organized, values organized religion, outgoing, social, does not like strange people/things - likely intolerant of differences, open, easy to read, dislikes science fiction, values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits, group oriented, follows the rules, affectionate, planner, regular, orderly, clean, finisher, religious, consults others before acting, content, positive, loves getting massages, complimentary, dutiful, loving, considerate, altruistic


content, emotionally stable, outgoing, social, group oriented, finisher, does not like to be alone, open, decisive, likes external praise, likes to be center of attention, frequently joking, adjusts easily, likes crowds, self confident, neutral moods, good at getting people to have fun, disorganized, messy, talented at presentation, not easily annoyed, does not like to be alone, enjoys crude jokes, likes to lead, likes sports, more likely to come off as masculine, risk taker, tends to dominate conversations, fearless, can handle criticism, hard to discourage


outgoing, social, group oriented, dislikes science fiction, does not like to be alone, feels at ease around others, conventional, talkative, modest, does not like to be alone, good at getting people to have fun, values relationships and family over intellectual pursuits, open, likes to dance, spontaneous, underachieving, at times unprepared, emotional, values organized religion, suggestible, at times easy to impress, not analytical, disorganized, prone to crying, likes to be center of attention, happy, trusts others, can be influenced more by others than self, can be touchy feely, feels the emotions of others, likes teamwork, guided by moods


creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, prone to quitting, prone to feelings of loneliness, ambivalent of the rules, solitary, daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness, focus on fantasies, acts without planning, low self confidence, emotionally moody, can feel defective, prone to lateness, likes esoteric things, wounded at the core, feels shame, frequently losing things, prone to sadness, prone to dreaming about a rescuer, disorderly, observer, easily distracted, does not like crowds, can act without thinking, private, can feel uncomfortable around others, familiar with the darkside, hermit, more likely to support marijuana legalization, can sabotage self, likes the rain, sometimes can't control fearful thoughts, prone to crying, prone to regret, attracted to the counter culture, can be submissive, prone to feeling discouraged, frequently second guesses self, not punctual, not always prepared, can feel victimized, prone to confusion, prone to irresponsibility, can be pessimistic


creative, smart, focus on fantasy more than reality, attracted to sad things, fears doing the wrong thing, observer, avoidant, fears drawing attention to self, anxious, cautious, somewhat easily frightened, easily offended, private, easily hurt, socially uncomfortable, emotionally moody, does not like to be looked at, fearful, perfectionist, can sabotage self, can be wounded at the core, values solitude, guarded, does not like crowds, organized, second guesses self, more likely to support marijuana legalization, focuses on peoples hidden motives, prone to crying, not competitive, prone to feelings of loneliness, not spontaneous, prone to sadness, longs for a stabilizing relationship, fears rejection in relationships, frequently worried, can feel victimized, prone to intimidation, lower energy, strict with self


loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm


loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, not very altruistic, not very complimentary, would rather be friendless than jobless, observer, values solitude, perfectionist, detached, private, not much fun, hidden, skeptical, does not tend to like most people, socially uncomfortable, not physically affectionate, unhappy, does not talk about feelings, hard to impress, analytical, likes esoteric things, tends to be pessimistic, not spontaneous, prone to discontentment, guarded, does not think they are weird but others do, responsible, can be insensitive or ambivalent to the misfortunes of others, orderly, clean, organized, familiar with darkside, tends not to value organized religion, suspicious of others, can be lonely, rarely shows anger, punctual, finisher, prepared


responsible, planner, private, loner tendencies, perfectionist, organized, detail oriented, organized, would rather be friendless than jobless, realistic, observer, clean, focused, does not talk about feelings, finisher, punctual, private, does not appreciate strangeness, not adventurous, not spontaneous, follows the rules, dutiful, avoids mistakes, conventional, likes solitude, insensitive to the hardships of others, prepared, anti-tattoos, things rules are important, cautious, security seeking, prepares for worst case scenarios, logical, analytical, does not accept apologies easily, hard working


follows the rules, polite, fears drawing attention to self, dislikes competition, somewhat easily frightened, easily offended, timid, dutiful, private, lower energy, finisher, organized, socially uncomfortable, modest, not confrontational, easily hurt, observer, prone to crying, not spontaneous, does not appreciate strangeness - intolerant to differences, apprehensive, clean, planner, prone to confusion, afraid of many things, responsible, guarded, avoidant, anxious, cautious, suspicious, more interested in relationships and family than intellectual pursuits, not adventurous, fears doing the wrong thing, dislikes change


hidden, private, has trouble describing feelings, not very affectionate, loner tendencies, lower energy, can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others, disorganized, messy, fears drawing attention to self, anti-tattoos, anti counter culture, not comfortable in unfamiliar situations, avoidant, rather unemotional, does not like attention, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, hermitic, not complimentary, dislikes leadership, more submissive then domineering


disorganized, timid, prone to discouragement, socially uncomfortable, does not like leadership, suggestible, not self confident, not aggressive, lower energy, fearful, anxious, easily distracted, prone to discontentment, guarded, not confrontational, prone to longing for a stabilizing relationship, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, easily disturbed, fears drawing attention to self, prone to confusion, private, second guesses self, prone to quitting, underachiever, fears rejection in relationships, emotionally moody, prone to sadness, dislikes change, indecisive, modest, doubting, prone to laziness

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Certains marchent vraiment avec leurs catégories! On a beaucoup de personnes qui raisonnent ici, c'est très bien. Certains me diront que rien n'est plus normal sur un forum de discussions et je dois dire que c'est vrai.

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INFJ est pas mal négatif dans l'ensemble je trouve..


creative, smart, focus on fantasy more than reality, attracted to sad things, fears doing the wrong thing, observer, avoidant, fears drawing attention to self, anxious, cautious, somewhat easily frightened, easily offended, private, easily hurt, socially uncomfortable, emotionally moody, does not like to be looked at, fearful, perfectionist, can sabotage self, can be wounded at the core, values solitude, guarded, does not like crowds, organized (gros lol), second guesses self, more likely to support marijuana legalization (WHAT THE FUCK), focuses on peoples hidden motives, prone to crying, not competitive, prone to feelings of loneliness, not spontaneous, prone to sadness, longs for a stabilizing relationship, fears rejection in relationships, frequently worried, can feel victimized, prone to intimidation, lower energy, strict with self

Ca m'a fait bien rire. Sinon, ca me représente moyennement bien. Mais je pourrais dire ca pour chaque cas de IN, IT ou IJ.


"Familiar with the darkside."

"Does not like happy people."


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Pour ma part:


outgoing, social, attention seeking, emotional, loving, organized, comfortable around others, involved, open, hyperactive, complimentary, punctual, considerate, altruistic, easily hurt, religious, neat, content, positive, affectionate, image conscious, good at getting people to have fun, easily excited, perfectionist, assertive, ambitious, leader, hard working, seductive, touchy, group oriented, anti-tattoos

J'ai souligné les plus comiques (lire: n'ayant aucun lien avec ma personne)

Modifié par Pin
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Pour ma part:


outgoing, social, attention seeking, emotional, loving, organized, comfortable around others, involved, open, hyperactive, complimentary, punctual, considerate, altruistic, easily hurt, religious, neat, content, positive, affectionate, image conscious, good at getting people to have fun, easily excited, perfectionist, assertive, ambitious, leader, hard working, seductive, touchy, group oriented, anti-tattoos

J'ai souligné les plus comiques (lire: n'ayant aucun lien avec ma personne)

Religieux n'est pas pris dans le sens des religions institutionnalisées ici je pense mais bien dans l'optique d'un esprit plus superstitieux ou mystique.

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Les éléments du INTP dans lesquels je me reconnaît :


loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing (de moins en moins...), unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable (dépend du contexte), abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm

rouge = ne s'applique pas.

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"Familiar with the darkside."

"Does not like happy people."


Le plus drôle c'est ça: " does not think they are weird but others do".

Ah et Seraphita, c'est vraiment 1% et non 11%


I33 N75 T1 P22

Ah ben.


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Les deux seuls critères qui ne fonctionnent pas avec moi sont en rouge (et encore, ils se révèlent parfois vrais.)


loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm

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loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm

Dans mon cas.

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