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Musique Guerrière.


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Tiens, je me suis rendu-compte que la version de "Round up" d'Asian Dub que j'ai posté plus haut était un peu dégueulasse, niveau son. En version propre ça donne ça, niveau musique guerrière ça peut se poser là :



Lyrics :

When you hear the march of the drum
You know they're gonna blot out the sun
When you hear the marching drum
You know your time soon come

Hammer coming down fast
Flag is flaying full mast
Shield your eyes from the blast
You know it won't be the last

It's a round-up it's a round up
Riffle's butts through the door
Then you're kicked to the floor
Headlines screaming for more

Now you're a prisoner of war in the round-up, it's a round up
This is a count-down to the crackdown
Time to take a little trip downtown (it's a round up)
Get in the lineup there ain't no let up

This is a bona fide a government stick up (it's a round-up)
From the fit up straight to the lock up
Through the touchup and the drug up to the rough up it's just start up
So watch it speed up it ain't enough to just put-up and shut-up, this is a round up

Shining boots of leather
Mind at the end of the tether charges cobbled together
The sentence is forever it's a round up, it's a round up
Stone floor for a bed with a hood on the head helicopters overhead maybe i'm already dead

It's a round up, this is a round up
When you hear the march of the drum you know they're gonna blot out the sun
When you hear the marching drum you know your time soon come
Your time soon come

They come for de rasta and you say nothing
They come for muslims you say nothing
They come for the anti-globalist you say nothing
They come for the liberals and you say nothing

They come for you !

And who will speak for you?

Who will speak for you.

This is countdown to the crackdown time to take a little trip downtown (it's a round up)
Get in the lineup there ain't no let-up this bona fide government stick up (it's a round up)
From the fit straigh to the lock-up through the touchup and the drug up to the rough
It's just a start up so watch it speed up it ain't enough to just put-up and shut-up

This is a round up. 

Modifié par BeauRouge
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Un ovni — le drip d'Hijohito, rude à faire plus guerrier



C'est le Battotai sur un beat moderne


We are the Imperial Force and whoever disobeys us
Are the foes forsaken by the Heaven and the Earth.
The head of the enemy, a legendary hero
Compared to none throughout history.

All the soldiers who follow him
Are the fearless warriors prepared to die.
Although their courage rivals the fiercest god
Whoever rebel against the Imperials.


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Nous qui appartenons à une autre foi, nous qui tenons le mouvement démocratique non seulement pour un stade décadent de l'organisation politique,
mais pour un stade décadent où l'homme s'amoindrit, tombe dans la médiocrité et se déprécie, où placerons-nous notre espérance ?


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