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Tom Gabel deviendra Laura Jane Grace

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Dans une interview accordée à Rolling Stone, Tom Gabel, frontman du groupe punk américain Against Me!, vient de révéler qu’il allait changer de sexe. Il s’appellera désormais Laura Jane Grace…

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If I could have chosen where God would hide his heaven

I'd wish for it to be the salt and swell of the ocean

Carried by the currents to all continents' shores

Reaching into the depths where the sun's light is never shown

Mixed with algae and coral, breathed in by sharks and dolphins

Sailed by tanker ships, private yachts, swam in by tourists

Working its way up through inlets, lakes, and rivers

Swamps, and estuaries, down through limestone into the aquifer

Purified by the county, pumped through pipes and out faucets

Filled into a glass to meet the thirst of our children

And if I could have chosen, I would have been born a woman

My mother once told me she would have named me Laura

I'd grow up to be strong and beautiful like her

One day, I'd find an honest man to make my husband

We would have two children, build our home on the Gulf of Mexico

Our family would spend hot summer days at the beach together

The sun would kiss our skin as we played in the sand and water

And we would know we loved each other without having to say it

At night, we would sleep with the windows of our house left open

Letting the cool ocean air soothe the sunburned shoulders of our children

There is an ocean in my soul where the waters do not curve

There is an ocean in my soul where the waters do not curve

There is an ocean in my soul where the waters do not curve

There is an ocean in my soul where the waters do not curve!

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Il me semble qu'il y avait aussi un membre d'un groupe québécois qui avait décidé de changer de sexe il y a quelques mois de ça. Mes souvenirs sont très flous, est-ce que quelqu'un se souvient de ça ou bien ai-je trop pris de drogue.

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J'ai toujours eu de la misère a Sizer le pourquoi du problème de ce genre de personne.

Le fait de ne pas être née dans le bon corps, j'veux dire... ça sonne bizarre à mes oreilles.

N’empêche que je ne juge pas, au contraire je croit que même si tu devient une femme, ça prend des astie de grosse couille pour assumer ton move. :)

La voix change tu avec la prise d'hormone?

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