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EVO 2011

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Ca méritait son propre sujet. :)

Du 29 au 31 juillet, regardez les meilleurs joueurs du monde se battre pour le top 8.

Au menu:

-Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition

-Marvel vs Capcom 3

-Mortal Kombat 9

-Blaz Blue: Continuum Shift

-Tekken 6


-SF3: Third Strike exhibitions

-King of Fighters XIII: Panel and Discussion

-Skullgirls: A New Age of Heroines


Main Stream:

Autre links:


HORRAIRE: (pacific time)

Thursday, July 28th

2:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Early Badge Pickup, Outside of the Pavilion Ballroom

10:00 PM: Official Evo Pre-Party @ Insert Coin(s)

Friday, July 29th

Tournament Schedule

8:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Pool Play, SSF4:AE, MK9

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Quarterfinals, SSF4:AE MK9

8:00 PM – 11:00 PM: Semifinals, SSF4:AE, MK9

Panel Schedule

10:00 AM: Feed the Stream Monsters: A Guide to Broadcasting Fighting Games

12:00 PM: Skullgirls: A New Age of Heroines

2:00 PM: Inside the Mind of the Beast: Daigo Umehara Exposed!

4:00 PM: Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Past, Present, and Future!

6:00 PM: Screening, Bang the Machine

Saturday, July 30th

Tournament Schedule

8:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Pool Play, MvC3, Tekken 6, BlazBlue CS2

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Quarterfinals, MvC3, Tekken 6, BlazBlue CS2

8:00 PM – 11:00 PM: Semifinals, MvC3

12:00 AM: MvC3 EC vs. WC 5 on 5 Exhibition

Panel Schedule

10:00 AM: King of Fighters XIII: Panel and Discussion

12:00 PM: Street Fighter III: Online Edition, Reinventing a Classic

2:00 PM: Namco Bandai – Get Ready for the Next Panel!

4:00 PM: New Directions in Street Fighter X Tekken

6:00 PM: Screening, King of Chinatown

7:15 PM: Screening, Focus

Sunday, July 31

All times are approximate! We will also have some surprises in store throughout the day.

10:00 AM: Blazblue Finals

12:00 AM: Tekken 6 Finals

2:00 PM: Mortal Kombat 9 Finals

3:30 PM: SF3 Third Strike Exhibition

5:00 PM: Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Finals

6:30 PM: Screening, Balrog: Behind the Glory.

7:00 PM: SSF4:AE Finals

9:00 PM: Closing Ceremonies

  • J'aime! 2
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Presque 30'000 viewers pour SSF4 et pres de 10'000 pour MK9 et c'est meme pas encore le top 8. Nice shit.

Ya des droles de cosplay. Un dude noir était déguisé en Kitana tantot lol.

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Ok, je suis un solide n00b en la matière et je regarde SSF4 depuis une quinzaine de minutes: les controlleurs qu'ils ont, les énormes boîtes qu'ils ont sur leurs cuisses, c'est custom made ou ça s'achète plus ou moins en magasin pour les zélés ?

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cincinnatus cest des commercials stick et des homemades

genre il achete un commercial stick et le mod : il change les boutons, le stick, le box, le art design....

un bon stick vaut 200$ facile

check hori stick

tu en a a 300$

btw michealangelo own tropa mk a 9

un must have si tu veux un stick

Authentic Japanese-style Sanwa Denshi™ joystick & buttons

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La beauté de youtube c'est qu'on peut reculer quand on veut pour revoir ce qui se passe. :)

Quelques uns des meilleurs combats jusqu'a maintenant:

Justin Wong (Rufus) vs Mago (Sagat)

Justin Wong (Rufus) vs Latif (C.Viper)

Poongko (Seth) vs Mike Chow (Abel)

Regardez a partir de 4:00 jusqu'a la fin: madness

Poongko (Seth) vs Filipino Champ (Dhalsim)

Momochi (Yun) vs Tokido (Akuma)

JuiceBox (Juri) vs CJ Truth (Fei Long)

Je cherche encore des vids pour MK9 sur youtube..

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition top 8:

Winners Bracket

  • Daigo Umehara (Yun)
  • Poongko (Seth)
  • Latif (C. Viper)
  • Fuudo (Fei Long)

Losers Bracket

  • Flash Metroid (Zangief, C. Viper)
  • Kindevu (Yun)
  • Wolfkrone (C. Viper)
  • Tokido (Akuma)

Mortal Kombat 9 top 8:

Winners Bracket

  • Chris G (Reptile)
  • JOP (Johnny Cage)
  • Perfect Legend (Kung Lao)
  • Denzell Terry (Sub-Zero)

Losers Bracket

  • 16-bit (Kitana)
  • OnlineTony213 (Kabal)
  • ATL Redd (Liu Kang)
  • REO (Mileena)

A suivre!

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Daigo exposes his strategies (4 parties):


REO interview:

TYM X vVv: So, how is your Evo experience so far and what has been your greatest moment/experience at Evo so far?

REO: Best tournament I've been to so far, the venue is absolutely amazing and ther best moment was playing vs Michaelangelo and Aris.

TYM X vVv: No matter what, do you plan to stick with Mileena?

REO: No comment. :)

TYM X vVv: Going to Evo, how is this changing your whole look at competitive play?

REO: It's changing my outlook on tournament play a lot, and this feels like the Superbowl of tournaments

TYM X vVv: Did you get a chance to talk to any of the MK team and who was it?

REO: I talked to Hector and I really like him... funny as hell.

TYM X vVv: Besides yourself, who is looking to be one of the best in the Top 8 in your opinion?

REO: Perfect Legend and JOP will probably give me the most trouble.

TYM X vVv: In MK competitive play, do you have any role models, if so who are they and why?

REO: No role models.

TYM X vVv: How was your flight and have you ever flown before?

REO: Worst flight ever, sat next to a large old lady who's armpits smelled worse than sour crout and farted... I was miserable and couldn't sleep.

TYM X vVv: From your Evo experience do you now have any words of advice for those at home?

REO: Everyone get your asses up and go to tournaments so these kind of events can keep happening.

TYM X vVv: Lastly, like a tattoo, once you get one you're already planning your next one... are you now set to attend Evo next year?

REO: Of course, as long as MK is at Evo I will go at all costs.

TYM X vVv: Lastly, any shoutouts?

REO: Shoutouts to the MK community and everyone who donated because I wouldn't be here without them. vVv and vVv's supporter's and sponsors. To the competition in NY for keeping me sharp and leveled up especially the CD brothers.

TYM X vVv: Thank you for your time, Sir!

REO: Thanks, guys.

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Horraire pour aujourd'hui: (Tekken 6 et MK9 vont probablement etre delayed d'une heure environ)

PACIFIC TIME (+3 for eastern)

* 10:00 AM: Blazblue Finals

* 12:00 AM: Tekken 6 Finals

* 2:00 PM: Mortal Kombat 9 Finals

* 3:30 PM: SF3 Third Strike Exhibition

* 5:00 PM: Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Finals

* 6:30 PM: Screening, Balrog: Behind the Glory.

* 7:00 PM: SSF4:AE Finals

* 9:00 PM: Closing Ceremonies

Quelques matchs de MK9:

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Oups. L'horraire que j'ai posté plus tot c'est en pacific time.

Donc, pour nous:

* 1:00 PM: Blazblue Finals

* 3:00 PM: Tekken 6 Finals

* 5:00 PM: Mortal Kombat 9 Finals

* 6:30 PM: SF3 Third Strike Exhibition

* 8:00 PM: Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Finals

* 9:30 PM: Screening, Balrog: Behind the Glory.

* 10:00 PM: SSF4:AE Finals

* 12:00 AM: Closing Ceremonies

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Poongko (Seth) vs Daigo (Yun)

Incroyable lol. Il a perfecté le meilleur joueur du monde. J'ai jamais vu Daigo se faire clancher de la sorte..

Daigo (Yun) vs Latif (C.Viper)

Poongko (Seth) vs Fuudo (Fei Long)

Latif (Viper) vs Poongko (Seth)

Grand Finals: Latif (C.Viper) vs Fuudo (Fei Long)

MK9 top 8 finals au complet sur youtube:

Ironmonk036 channel

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EVO aftermath:

What is Hype

G4 Top 10 EVO moments:

Skullgirls Panel (5 parts)

ATP Podcast Evo Recap | MK9 Pools Details

vVv Podcast: Losers' Bracket #78 | REO!

Juicy Bits S2E1.5: The EVO Recap

Seth Killian Interview (2 parts)

UMvC3 – Destructoid Interviews Niitsuma and Neo_G

Additional EVO Matches (were not streamed)

Evo Championship Series 2011 Breaks Online Viewership Records

The Evo Championship Series (, the largest fighting game tournament in the world, has beaten all previous reported records for unique online viewers of a competitive gaming event. At the Evo 2011 World Finals, held in Las Vegas, NV from July 29-31, and hosted on, over 2 million unique viewers tuned in to the live stream to watch thousands of the best players from 44 countries compete in the championships.

Viewers consumed over 1.9 million hours of video content, and tuned in for an average of 55 minutes each. As the tournament unfolded, Evo also exploded on social media, with top Evo players becoming globally trending topics on Twitter (and many others trending locally). During the electrifying finals on July 31st, the fate of the finalists was so popular that four of them were trending simultaneously, making Evo players 4 of the world’s top 10 trending topics on Twitter.

With over 2,400 competitors and thousands of fans in attendance, Evo 2011 was the best-attended fighting game tournament in history, as competitors battled through the double-elimination brackets for titles across Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat, Tekken 6, and BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2.


Beginning in 1998 as a small gathering of friends in an arcade, the Evo Championship Series (“Evo”) has grown to become the largest and longest running fighting game event in the world. Evo was founded with a focus on community, competition, and an providing an authentic representation of the best in the diverse and dynamic global fighting game scene.

For additional inquiries, please contact

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