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Age of Empires 2 : The Conquerors en ligne

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17 membres ont voté

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J'ai actualisé le message original. J'y ai changé le patch avec lequel nous allons jouer. Ce sera un patch bêta 1.1 qui ajoute énormément de nouvelles fonctionnalités et qui corrigent beaucoup d'erreurs. Voici la liste :

  • - Mirror player civilizations with the new Team Random option
  • - Restored games can now be recorded in all game modes
  • - Windowed mode library support by Veg and menopem
  • - All available resolutions, including widescreen, are selectable
  • - Uncontrollable game view scrolling bug has been fixed
  • - Toggle always-on-top with F7 and background mode with F8
  • - Vote panel/serial sync bug has been fixed for multiplayer
  • - Random map scripts can be used directly in the scenario editor
  • - Blank maps can now be generated using all standard terrains
  • - Additional full map print options for higher resolutions
  • - Population limit options have been extended up to 250
  • - Ungrouped AI players will not ally themselves against humans
  • - AIs are selectable in multiplayer games (only host needs AIs)
  • - Multiplayer games can be started with only AI players
  • - AIs can assign guards for specific units and buildings
  • - AIs can now construct docks on Nomad maps and along ice
  • - Boar hunting is now fixed and operational for AIs
  • - AIs can build multiple buildings simultaneously
  • - Buildings destroyed mid-construction can be rebuilt by AIs
  • - Building cancellation is now configurable by AIs
  • - Cancelled buildings are only rebuilt if requested
  • - Construction is now possible after a wonder is placed
  • - AIs will now close wall openings created by lumberjacks
  • - Villagers will now repair damaged buildings and siege weapons
  • - All AI villagers no longer rush to destroy towers
  • - Setting sn-attack-winning-player-factor to 0 will not crash
  • - Trade carts will travel across shallows to other markets
  • - AI unit spreading can be controlled in multiplayer mode
  • - Hero units can now be used by AIs as scouts for exploration
  • - AIs can construct lumber and mining camps in close proximity
  • - Gaia units and buildings can now be converted by AI explorers
  • - Coop play against custom AIs in multiplayer is now possible
  • - Idle sheep will now gather at the town center on Nomad maps
  • - Simultaneous messages from AIs now appear in the right color
  • - AIs can now gather resources using up to 250 villagers
  • - Pseudo-random number generator algorithm has been improved
  • - AIs can choose to attack with the patrol attack system
  • - Players can survey the map after a single player game ends
  • - AIs can now specify which player to target for attacks
  • - Siege onagers can target trees after saving a chapter
  • - AIs can request gatherers to drop resources at any time
  • - Scouts will now circle the home town center before departing
  • - Relics will be distributed to other monasteries as needed
  • - Unpacked trebuchets will no longer be ignored by units
  • - Building gather points will not damage adjacent enemy units
  • - Idle villager button will no longer focus on enemy scouts
  • - Explored and All Visible states are fixed in recordings
  • - MP3 audio files with id3v2 tags can now be used in the game
  • - Screenshots will be saved as png images if GDI+ is available
  • - M3U playlists can be used for the game's background music
  • - Flares are now larger and more bold on the mini-map display

Mode fenêtré, desync fix, résolution libre, auto-color fix ... c'est vraiment bon.

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  • 10 mois plus tard...

C'est précommandé.

Qui d'autre va se le pogner ? Ça réglerait bien des choses pour jouer en ligne.

Pre-ordered! (J'ai pris le bundle avec AOE3)

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Ca me tente mais j'ai l'impression qu'ils n'ont pas retravaillé grand chose.

C'est une honte de faire payer pour si peu...

En effet, ça semble pas être de la trempe de Monkey Island 2 special edition, mais si le multiplayer fonctionne sans se casser le cul et que je peux afficher full screen sans bug de couleur, ça vaut au moins 15$.

J'ai pas vu si c'était le cas, mais une ré-orchestration de la musique et une mise à jour des voix auraient été top.

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bug de couleur, je pense que tu peux simplement fixé ca en arretant explorer.exe via le gestionnaire de taches/processus.

Pis vu ce que demande le jeux et ce qu'est capable de donner un ordinateur aujourd'hui, il aurait pu mettre 16-32 slots pour le multi. pis augmenter les limite population. voir des map grande comme le crisse.


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